What is a Postpartum Doula?

The role of the Postpartum Doula is to assist the family during the transitioning and adjustment period of the newborn coming home. The top priority is caring for the mother by making sure she is getting rest and nutrition, thereby enabling an optimal postpartum recovery. Encouraging bonding between baby and new parents and assisting them with getting to know their new baby. Offering evidence based support on newborn sleep, soothing techniques and every day care. Extensive knowledge is shared about breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, pumping and when further support is needed. The goal is to provide a calm and peaceful environment so parents can recover and bond with their newborn during this precious time. Assistance is given to the family to understand the “new normal”. Offering suport in finding what works best for the parents in their new roles and assistance finding outside resources for specific needs. A Postpartum doula offers the family guidance, support and care for the “fourth trimester”.

What does a shift look like for a Postpartum Doula?

Although every family has a different priority of needs, here are some of the things often covered in a visit.

  • Answer questions, teach and support new parents in newborn care with evidence based information to help parents feel confident in their choices and abilities

  • Non-judgemenal emotional support

  • Feeding (breast/pumping/bottle) help and support

  • Holding and caring for baby if parents need to rest, shower or have some time for self care

  • List of referrals to other nearby professionals if needed

  • Babywearing help

  • Light housekeeping (vaccum, dishes, baby laundry, keeping house tidy)

  • Care with pets or siblings

  • Light meal and snack prep

  • Run errands

  • Attend doctor appointments/errands with family and baby as needed. Take test runs out with parent(s) and baby to get family comfortable with first trips out of the home